Zeuscart Forums



Last active 2 months ago

  1. 2 months ago
    31 May 2014, 7:25am GMT-0400
    Edmus posted in Product Overview.

    Unfortunatelly yes, and it has critical bugs which make it useless

  2. 29 May 2014, 8:43am GMT-0400
    Edmus started the conversation My wishlist.

    It is impossible to add items to "My wishlist".

  3. 29 May 2014, 8:40am GMT-0400
    Edmus posted in Forgot Password.

    "Forgot Password" dialog sends an E-MAil with a new password, but the password is not updated. The old password is still active.

  4. 17 May 2014, 4:34pm GMT-0400
    Edmus posted in Links don't exist.


    in .htaccess file is a line with "RewriteBase" missing

  5. 17 May 2014, 4:18pm GMT-0400
    Edmus posted in Links don't exist.

    when I click any link (for example "about us") my browser tries to open "myShop/aboutus.html" but fails.
    When I type "myShop/index.php?do=aboutus" then it works.
    On another server I didn't have this problem.

  6. 3 months ago
    30 Apr 2014, 4:22am GMT-0400
    Edmus started the conversation Project status.

    Hello, is Zeuscart still supported?

  7. 26 Apr 2014, 1:25pm GMT-0400
    Edmus started the conversation CAPTCHA.

    Please add a CAPTCHA to the user registration process.

  8. 6 Apr 2014, 3:56pm GMT-0400
    Edmus posted in Product Image.

    At the installation stage the Wizard says that /uploadedimages/ - and its sub folder is "Not Writable" although 777 permissions were granted

  9. 6 Apr 2014, 2:29pm GMT-0400
    Edmus posted in Product Image.

    Have the same problem.

  10. 6 Apr 2014, 2:26pm GMT-0400
    Edmus joined the forum.